Toxicity rating (RWS Moravia)

Toxicity rating (RWS Moravia)

RWS Moravia held a project called PYD Perspective which involved screening a multitude of online comments in Slovene for various types of toxicity: threatening language, profanity, identity based negativity, insulting language. Our job was to mark up the comments that were of questinable content and lable them as belonging to one of the above mentioned…

Three projects on Slovene (Appen)

Three projects on Slovene (Appen)

Appen provides many opportunities for linguists and consistently utilises the same people for various updates and iterations of their varied interesting projects. At LogoFil, we have been tapped as specialists for Slovene for three different projects, some of which are still ongoing: project Vistula, concerning comparing two versions of a machine translated Slovene sentence (SLO<>ENG)…